London Film House Penelope - Promo Edit & GFX


In this project i was tasked with producing a 30 & 15 second promo for the film 'Penelope' as part of the London Film House strand at London Live. Having viewed the material it was clear to see this was a contemporary fairy tale told in the contemporary medium of film, but for the promo i felt it justified to use the more traditional imagery of a fairy tale book, though creating it using contemporary design techniques of 3d.

I also felt it important not to giveaway what Penelope looked like. This is the story of the girl with the pig nose, but for those new to the story i wanted them to be drawn in by curiosity of what she actually looked like and also feel the genuine feeling of awe and discovery at the first glimpse of her as it was original meant to happen by the films creators.

This was a great challenge, i learnt a number of new skills and got to grips with taking assets backwards and forwards from After Effects to Cinema 4D... The film was good too.

Cinema 4D
After Effects
Premiere Pro

Script, Edit, and Graphics: Daniel Cameron
Sound design: Bubble TV